Hearing is an important sensing capability which enables to perceive surrounding environment. It is one of the essential ability for risk perception and communication.

People with limited hearing capability face difficulty in communication and are also vulnerable in case of emergency warnings.

Shravanne tries to help such people by empowering them with electronic device which partially compensate this limitation and help them live normal life. It not only help them in day-to-day communication but also turns out to be a life saving gadget in many emergency situations.

  • Available as wrist band, cap, waistband, hair band and specs to suit every age and taste.

  • 24 hrs. in-built power supply using rechargeable and replaceable battery power.

  • Response as vibration and light indication

  • Filters the noise and unwanted sound before alerting

  • Real-time response (Under 1 second)

  • Economically priced to fit the budget within government subsidized schemes.